Sofia Lemos é artista visual, de São Paulo. Por meio da colagem, desenvolve um pensamento plástico de desconstrução da realidade para, com isso, ressignificar conteúdos e abrir caminhos poéticos. Sua produção é múltipla, com quadros, instalações, capas de livros, oficinas de criatividade, dentre outros. Já realizou exposições em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Cidade do México e Nova York.
Sofia Lemos is a visual artist from São Paulo (Brazil). Through collage, develops a plastic thought intended to reconstruct reality, reframe content and open poetic possibilities. She invests in multiple types of production, including paintings, installations, book covers, creativity workshops etc. Her work was exhibited in galleries of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and New York.
Sofia Lemos is a visual artist from São Paulo (Brazil). Through collage, develops a plastic thought intended to reconstruct reality, reframe content and open poetic possibilities. She invests in multiple types of production, including paintings, installations, book covers, creativity workshops etc. Her work was exhibited in galleries of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and New York.
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