Isis Gasparini [São Paulo, 1989] é artista e educadora, atua na dança e nas artes visuais. Mestra em Poéticas Visuais [ECA-USP, 2017], Bacharel em Artes Plásticas e Especialista em Fotografia [FAAP 2011, 2013]. Desenvolve projetos que tem como matérias centrais: corpo, imagem, luz, e trajeto. Pensa esses elementos como presenças que habitam exposições diversas e ativam diferentes respostas no corpo de cada espectador. Seus trabalhos articulam audiovisual, coreografia e instalações e sua pesquisa caracteriza-se pela investigação crítica e poética do corpo e seu potencial de movimento na relação com uma obra de arte ou instituição. Assume o olhar como uma performance que implica todo o corpo e investiga a constituição de espaço expositivo como um elemento determinante que interfere politicamente nas relações entre espectadores e obras de arte.
Isis Gasparini [São Paulo, 1989] is an artist and educator, working in dance and visual arts. Master in Visual Poetics [ECA-USP, 2017], Bachelor of Fine Arts and Specialist in Photography [FAAP 2011, 2013]. Develops projects that have as core subjects: body, image, light, and path. She thinks of these elements as presences that inhabit different exhibitions and activate different responses in the body of each spectator. Her works articulate audiovisual, choreography and installations and her research is characterized by the critical and poetic investigation of the body and its potential for movement in relation to a work of art or institution. It assumes the gaze as a performance that involves the whole body and investigates the constitution of exhibition space as a determining element that politically interferes in the relations between spectators and works of art.
Isis Gasparini [São Paulo, 1989] is an artist and educator, working in dance and visual arts. Master in Visual Poetics [ECA-USP, 2017], Bachelor of Fine Arts and Specialist in Photography [FAAP 2011, 2013]. Develops projects that have as core subjects: body, image, light, and path. She thinks of these elements as presences that inhabit different exhibitions and activate different responses in the body of each spectator. Her works articulate audiovisual, choreography and installations and her research is characterized by the critical and poetic investigation of the body and its potential for movement in relation to a work of art or institution. It assumes the gaze as a performance that involves the whole body and investigates the constitution of exhibition space as a determining element that politically interferes in the relations between spectators and works of art.
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