Cleiri Cardoso é artista visual e professora, com Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas pela Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (2001) e Mestrado em Poéticas Visuais pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes da USP (2014). Vive em São Paulo onde desenvolve trabalhos relacionados à Imagem Impressa e aos meios de reprodução de imagens. Mantém uma produção pessoal desde a graduação tendo como eixo o assunto natureza e civilização, apresentado em séries de gravuras, livros de artista, videos, intervenções urbanas e intervenções em espaços arquitetônicos. Simultaneamente participa como integrante ou proponente de projetos coletivos e ministra cursos de artes gráficas em seu ateliê e em ateliês livres diversos.
Cleiri Cardoso is a visual artist and teacher currently living and working in São Paulo. She has a Master degree in Fine Arts at the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP, 2014) and a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná (FAP-UNESPAR, 2001). Her work investigates different means of image reproduction, with a special interest in printmaking. She focuses on the subjects of nature and civilization, presented in series of prints, artist books, videos, site specific and urban interventions. Cardoso has coordinated and participated in several collective projects involving printmaking, which she also teaches at public and independent workshops, as well as in her studio in São Paulo.
Cleiri Cardoso is a visual artist and teacher currently living and working in São Paulo. She has a Master degree in Fine Arts at the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP, 2014) and a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná (FAP-UNESPAR, 2001). Her work investigates different means of image reproduction, with a special interest in printmaking. She focuses on the subjects of nature and civilization, presented in series of prints, artist books, videos, site specific and urban interventions. Cardoso has coordinated and participated in several collective projects involving printmaking, which she also teaches at public and independent workshops, as well as in her studio in São Paulo.
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